sábado, 28 de junio de 2014

Wave 1: champions arround the fantasy world

I will put renders that correspond to Magrieb world champions/heroes/warboses etc, 1 per race , which will be made in 28mm scale, NON heroic .

Render de heroes/comandante/caudillos del mundo de Magrieb. habra uno por cada faccion/raza, los cuales seran hechos en escala de 28mm NO heroica.

#1: Akkiry faction Elf Captain / Capitán Elfo de la facción Akkiry  (06/07/2014)

#2: Northälfar faction Dwarf Captain / Capitan Enano de la facción Northälfar

#3: Uyghur faction Orc Chieftain / Jefe Orco de la faccion Uyghur

#4: Itzám faction Lizardman Champion / Campeón Lagarto de la facción Itzám

#5: Ravana faction Rakshasa Champion / Campeón Rakshasa de la faccón Ravana

#6: Erythrian faction Elf champion / Campeón Elfo de la facción Erythria

#7: Varuna faction Naga champion / Campeón Naga de la facción Varuna

Bases "especiales" :)

Bases standar

miércoles, 25 de junio de 2014

New desings: Champions/Heroes for Magrieb World

After long time without updates in THIS blog (i update every week the facebook and forums) i can say that the project have being evolving in a non stop advance, meeting nice people that is helping me, getitng contacts and sculpting in 3D with Zbrush, as well of course, DRAWING.

Now the Sullkani are not humans anymore, they are elves.

Erythria name now is used for  Elves, leaving the Hindu guys with a new name as well, "Ekalki" (more hindu accurate) and human..  the now Erythrian elves are  celtic/germanic look.

Neusthrian elves are replaced (yes, they dissapear) by Persian-like elves.

And the Hassim, a faction that i havent yet reproduced, are Dwarfs as well (they were human in the sketches).

In resume 2 factions added: Orcs and the new Erythrian Elves, and 3 races exchanged (Hassim, Neushtrian - now Akkiri persian/assirian elves- and Sullkani.

edit: adding Itzam lizardmen ( i t was hard to draw in that possition, will look better SCULPTED :)